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Atlantic® SPE 固相萃取膜和预过滤器(Biotage.)
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Atlantic® SPE 固相萃取膜和预过滤器


Biotage 是磁盘 SPE 技术的领导者。 Atlantic® SPE 盘能够处理大量样品的提取,同时轻松保持快速流速,是饮用水、地下水和废水样品提取的**选择。

Atlantic® SPE 磁盘与手动和高度控制的自动化处理系统兼容,是当今市场上**获得自动化认证的磁盘。


Atlantic® SPE 固相萃取膜和预过滤器

47-2346-11Atlantic® 8270 One Pass Disks, 47 mm24
47-2346-02Atlantic® C-18 Disks, 47 mm24
47-2346-14Atlantic® Disk, C-18HC, 8 mm16
47-2346-16Atlantic® Disk, Fiber, 8 mm16
47-2346-15Atlantic® Disk, HLB-H, 8 mm16
47-2346-06Atlantic® DVB Disks, 47 mm24
FFAP-47-HTAtlantic® Fast Flow Pre-Filter, 47 mm,   Coarse 5.0 µm50
FFAP-100-HS5Atlantic® Fast Flow Pre-Filter, 90 mm,   Coarse 5.0 µm50
FFAP-100-HS1Atlantic® Fast Flow Pre-Filter, 90 mm,   Fine 1.0 µm50
47-2346-13Atlantic® High Capacity C18 Disks, 47   mm24
47-2346-10Atlantic® HLB-H Disks, 47 mm24
47-2346-08Atlantic® HLB-L Disks, 47 mm40
47-2346-09Atlantic® HLB-M Disks, 47 mm30


Atlantic® C18 SPE Disk

This silica based C18 is end-capped to eliminate unpredictable secondary interactions with unreacted silanols. This reversed-phase media can be used for EPA Method 525.2 along with other drinking and wastewater methods.

Atlantic® High Capacity C18 SPE Disk

Atlantic® High Capacity C18 SPE Disks provide added retention per disk for improved recovery of compounds that have weaker interactions with C18 media. Much like the original Atlantic C18 disk, the  Atlantic High Capacity uses end-capped C18 to eliminate unpredictable secondary interactions with unreacted silanols. The disk can be used for drinking water applications such as EPA Method 525.2

Users have experienced higher recoveries for compounds such as dimethoate, 2,6-DNT, and 2,4-DNT. In the specific case of caffeine, a compound used as a drinking water tracer, recoveries more than doubled over standard C18 disks.

Atlantic® One Pass Disk and Carbon Cartridge

This disk contains media with 3 analyte retention mechanisms that significantly simplify the extraction process with the benefit of reduced labor, faster extraction times and elimination of high pH precipitates. This multi-mode disk chemistry enables the retention of over 100 target semi-volatile compounds with a sample pH of 2. Now acidic, neutral and basic analytes can be retained in a single water extraction step using this 47 mm disk. For extremely hydrophilic compounds, the optional Carbon Cartridge is placed after the One Pass disk to scavenge the sample effluent for light-end semi-volatile organics (LSVO). In this configuration all classes of compounds from EPA Method 8270/625 are automatically captured, eluted off the media and ready for drying and concentration.

Atlantic® DVB SPE Disk

The DVB (divinylbenzene) polymer is a pH independent reversed-phase media that is listed for use in the EPA drinking water method for a full suite of analytes, EPA Method 525.3.

Atlantic® HLB SPE Disk

The polymeric HLB (hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balanced) media in this disk comes in low, medium and high capacity formulations. These disks can be used for drinking and wastewater applications. Common applications include semi-volatile organic analysis and EPA Method 1694 (pharmaceuticals and personal care products), endocrine disruptors, and other emerging contaminants in wastewater and drinking water.

Atlantic® Pre-Filters

For use with the Atlantic SPE Disk, the Atlantic Prefilter increases sample flow rate without compromising recoveries. Perfect for dirty samples with lots of particulates, the Atlantic prefilter will accelerate sample throughput, and enables reproducible recoveries. These prefilters are “Certified for Automation” designed specifically for use with the Biotage® Horizon 5000 system.

Atlantic® Fast Flow Sediment Prefilters

These prefilters have proven to be effective in handling highly particulate laden aqueous samples. They are specifically designed and certified for use with the EZ Flow Disk Holder on the Biotage® Horizon 5000 system and are available in a 1 micron and 5 micron size.


